The Banana Genome Hub (BGH) is a community website that federates genomic data on banana which developed by Cirad and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT supported by the South Green Bioinformatics platform. The BGH is based on Drupal and Tripal and related modules to facilitate the integration between various systems (Jbrowse, Galaxy, Gigwa) for plant genome analysis.
The Banana Genome Hub (BGH) belongs to the South Green genomes hubs that are part of the Elixir France Service Delivery plan. The BGH has been registered in and FAIRshairing to facilitate interoperability.
The BGH intends to centralise data produced by the community on banana genomics. This information can be retrieved after publications by the team or by request from partners.
We aknowledge contributions from
If you want the contribute to the hub with new datasets, please contact us.
The current developement is led by Gaetan Droc and Mathieu Rouard with regular support from Valentin Guignon and Guillaume Martin under the umbrella of the South Green Bioinformatics platform.
We are grateful to Gabriel Sachter-smith, Pat Heslop-Harrison, Julie Sardos, Ziwei Wang and Megan Hansen who provided the beautiful pictures for the homepage.